[Tutorial] RSSFeed to discord with Zapier

Tutorial How to make autopost bot discord from rss feed. Alternative with Huginn

*for example, if get new feed from website anime will be post to discord example-rssfeed-discord-whd.md.jpg


Source Rss feed > (Zapier) RSS Feed > Formatter > Webhooks > Discord

Setup Discord

Setup Zapier

Rss Event
Formatter Event (optional)
Webhooks Event
  "content": "***[UPDATE ANIME]*** @everyone",
  "embeds": [{
    "title": "__****__",
        "description": "``````",
        "url": "",
        "color": "1127128",
        "image": {
          "url": "https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/b8iQQuKJVkT2HA5SwmyIRdNWDCAURYSKfeluMbrtCbw/https/i.grogol.us/img/aHR0cDovL2k2Ny50aW55cGljLmNvbS8yaTBzeTFzLmpwZw/grogol.jpg" 


  "content": "***[UPDATE MOVIE]*** @everyone",
  "embeds": [{
    "title": "__****__",
        "description": "``````",
        "url": "",
        "color": "1127128",
        "fields": [
        "name": "Preview",
        "value": "https://"

thx for read :)